Monday, January 19, 2009

What does Sarah Palin mean for us ?

Greetings and Peace to you all--

Apparently, however, some of us are not at peace, even on the eve of a most positive and momentous occasion--the inauguration of President Obama. As we remember Dr. King and his dream today and look forward to the enactment of part of that dream tomorrow, there are still shadows that lurk. Out of that darkness emerges the questionable political future of one Ms. Sarah Palin. As the adults take charge in Washington and hopefully the healing begins-- many of us-- especially astute women-- still consider Ms. Palin a threat. We wish her well personally, but want to be certain that her national political aspirations are OVER. She has proved herself to be a destructive force, a dishonest player and a purposefully ignorant fraud.

Most recently, the issue of her "son" Trig's birth and parentage has re-emerged. It is crystal clear to me that Ms. Palin did not birth that baby. I will not speculate on who is the actual mother etc.. That is not the point. The point is that anyone who is watching with eyes wide open can see this woman was not pregnant. She is/was using the child as a "prop" in her quest for power. I do encourage you to look at the websites and blogs where the photos of Ms. Palin during spring 2008 appear-- look at Palin's and others. Explore for yourself. This issue is only the most extreme example of the behavior of a dangerous demagogue. The unmasking of such a "would- be leader" is part of the necessary process of our own political maturation and personal evolution. We are developing the tools to sense lies and dishonesty -- within and without. True change comes from within. Those who cannot look honestly at their own conflicts and wounds are often more susceptible to manipulation by others.

In future posts, I hope to explore the tangled tango of public positions and personal pain--what do we project in the public arena that has as much(or more) to do with our personal dramas than any current question. I look forward to your comments.